
Do Drivers Have a Legal Duty to Allow Enough Space for Motorcycles?

January 2, 2024

Motorcyclists often face unique hazards on the road, many of which are caused by other road users. In many cases, motor vehicle drivers follow motorcyclists too closely—an incredibly dangerous behavior that can lead to collisions. If you have experienced the frightening consequences of tailgating, understanding the legal duty of drivers to maintain safe following distances…

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5 Common Truck Accident Injuries

December 18, 2023

Truck accidents often lead to devastating outcomes. When a collision involves a commercial truck, the resulting injuries are often more severe than those from a typical car accident due to the sheer weight and size of the vehicle. These injuries can range from relatively minor cuts and bruises to severe, disabling, and even fatal damage…

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Differences Between Survival Action and Wrongful Death

December 10, 2023

Losing a loved one in an accident or due to someone else’s negligence is a heart-wrenching experience. The emotional turmoil and the financial instability that follows can be overwhelming. If the decedent had suffered injuries due to the negligence of another person, this grief can feel even more intense.  In Florida, two types of claims…

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Is It Illegal to Ride a Bike on a Sidewalk in Florida?

November 27, 2023

Imagine you are cycling on your way to work or school, seeking an efficient route to your destination. The roads, bustling with traffic, seem daunting. Seeking a safer route, you consider the sidewalk—a seemingly safer alternative. However, you may wonder: is this choice legal The laws regarding sidewalk cycling are not always clear, and as…

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What Is the Move Over Law in Florida?

November 9, 2023

When driving in Florida, encounters with service vehicles are a common occurrence. These vehicles, often seen on the sides of roads, include law enforcement, emergency responders, and maintenance crews, all performing essential duties. However, these personnel are often at risk of serious collisions due to their vulnerable positions on the road The Move Over Law…

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